Examples of API requests

A generic swagger is available here. A specific one with your endpoints is available at your organization’s URL (https://[your_organization].datome.io/swagger).

  1. To create a model, a POST request containing the model's required attributes is sent to the appropriate endpoint:

curl --location --request POST 
'https://[your_organization].datome.io/api/models/fabric/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 74a6c88d-62fe-4c13-8b40-c21fabbae819' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "unique_name": "silklot00456",
    "id_technician": 965,
    "id_employee": 15264,
    "available": false
  1. After creating the model silklot00456, the new Garment can be directly linked to it during the creation process:

curl --location --request POST 
'https://[your_organization].datome.io/api/models/garment/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 74a6c88d-62fe-4c13-8b40-c21fabbae819' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "serial_number": "12345",
    "garment_type": "shirt",
    "size": "M",
    "fabric_relationship": "silklot00456",
    "available": false
  1. To call the mutation send_to_confirmed, a POST request is sent to the correct endpoint containing all the parameters defined in the Model:

curl --location --request POST 
'https://[your_organization].datome.io/api/models/fabric/silklot00456/mutations/send_to_confirmed' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 74a6c88d-62fe-4c13-8b40-c21fabbae819' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "id_technician": 987,
    "id_amployee": 14005
  1. In this final API request example, the request body contains the required input parameter to call the second mutation send_to_recalled defined in the fabric Model, which in this case, updates the notes field of the silklot00456 model.

curl --location --request POST 
'https://[your_organization].datome.io/api/models/garment/12345/mutations/send_to_recalled' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 74a6c88d-62fe-4c13-8b40-c21fabbae819' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "params": {},
    "external_mutations": {
        "fabric": {
            "send_to_recalled": {
                "silklot00456": {
                     "params": {
                         "notes": "invalid product"

Note: The values for the send_to_recalled mutation of the Model Garment should be listed in the first params field. In the case given above, it can be blank. The values needed for the send_to_recalled mutation of the Model Fabric are listed in the params section that comes after. In the case shown above, it gives a value for notes.

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